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Does Olive Grey School have an outdoor playground?
Olive Grey School has an outdoor playground located directly on-site in the school. The playground equipment is appropriate for Infants through creche to grade 2, so that children of all ages can play outside each day.
Is Olive Grey School open all year?
Not only is our school open all year, we also accept registrations and enrol children throughout the year. Give us a call to learn more about a schedule and start date that work for your family.
Does Olive Grey School have a Preschool program?
Yes! Our school offers a full-day Preschool program for children ages 2 and older. Preschool is a big year. We’ve designed our program to give you complete confidence in every aspect of your child’s experience; from health and safety; to ready-for-school curriculum; to the full support of experienced teachers. Just as important, our program is based on what research says best prepares children for kindergarten…and all the big steps ahead.
What is Olive Grey's process on checking the background of their employees?
Olive Grey School conducts a comprehensive background check on all prospective employees and frequent visitors. The background check consists of a country criminal record check for the past seven years performed.
What is your policy regarding pictures/videos of my child(ren)?
The decision to allow for a child’s picture to be taken at olive grey school is at the discretion of the family. Some families allow pictures to be used strictly within the classroom, some allow pictures to be used both internally and externally (i.e. for our website and social media pages), and still others do not allow pictures of their children to be taken at any time – no exceptions. In any case, we will respect your rights and your decision.